Disease description
1. This is disease of venous obstruction due to the formation of a clot inside the veins.
2. It occurs mostly in obese cases. Hypothyroidism, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension & Fatty liver is the most common diseases to induce this condition.
Sign & Symptoms
Pain and swelling of affected limb occurs, sometimes swelling becomes so severe that affects the movement of limbs.
Investigation for confirm diagnosis.
D-Dimer test and color Doppler study of venous system suggest the presence of thrombosis inside the vein.
How Ayurvedic medicine works
It works mainly on holistic system of management i.e. in case of DVT the main factor is thrombus pathology. So needs to check its formation i.e. correction of metabolic factor, lipids, Hypertension, Diabetes is the key to dissolve and remove the clot (thrombus) from the body. Concurrently other diseases are also treated with the treatment of DVT.
With our self prepared Ayurvedic medicine mainly functions over the cause of veinous obstruction and thrombus formation. It also eliminates the toxins from the body. Improvement in the metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates results in dissolution of clots in the veins. Comprehensive management of metabolism and fatty liver leads to the success of treatment. In many cases we have seen that Diabetes mellitus Type 2 and Hypothyroidism remains uncontrolled even after proper medication.
Raised blood sugar also leads to the elevation of lipids and these works as a trigger factor for clot (Thrombus) formation. Our medication controls blood sugar level, normalizes HbA1C (Glycosylated haemoglobin) & Corrects fatty liver, lipids and cholesterol. Follow up study of blood test and color Doppler, D-Dimer etc., normalcy suggest the success of our Ayurvedic treatment.
We have seen the cases of DVT are fearful and frightened about the disease and its complication because they don't get satisfactory result even with the expert opinion and suffer from fear of P.E. and other complication. Many cases are advised surgery but it is not the permanent solution because without the treatment of cause, chances of recurrence are there even after their surgery.
If cause of thrombus formation is treated with our Ayurvedic management there is reduction in size o f thrombus and it dissolves gradually.
So the chances of pulmonary embolism are reduced markably.