1. It occurs due to Atherosclerosis or obstruction in coronary artery.
2. Atherosclerosis means hardening of arteries.
3. Atheroma or plaque formation also leads to coronary artery disease
4. Mid-chest pain and radiation to lower jaw or arms and epigastria may occur in coronary artery occlusion.
5. Blockage leads to myocardial infarction. Due to deficient oxygen supply to heart muscles according to the need of heart.
6. Acute chest pain occurs the severity depends upon the cause of obstruction and Atheroma formation.

• Dysinoea
• Chest pain
• Hypotension
• Cold and clammy skin
• Arrhythmia
• Restlessness according to severity of obstruction.

Laboratory Investigation
• Troponin
• Lipids profile

Common Causes
1. Hypertension and raised lipids are the most common factors to induced Coronary Artery Disease.
2. Raised lipids causing hardening of artery and Atheroma formation.
3. Obesity factor, Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, sedentary life style.
4. Intake of Alcohol and smoking are also the risk factors.

Ayurvedic Treatment

We have seen many cases where blood pressure not completely controlled after taking proper medication sometimes pulse pressure also varies and there is a huge difference in between systolic & diastolic blood pressure.
1. Ayurvedic treatment over lipids normal key Wbk and dissolve the clot inside the coronary artery.
2. Reduce the obesity factor normalize blood sugar level.
3. Prevent the clot formation in hypertensive case.
4. Keeps the blood pressure under controlled.
5. Balance the systolic and diastolic B.P. at normal level.